hello, my name is symphony, im a 23 year old autistic coder/writer/artist from michigan usa :) this is my playground, my more experimental site; my other site is here.

i got into website coding in my childhood, and then i got back into coding around february of 2023. my first few sites, and my main website at present, are traditionally made, relatively-easy-to-navigate websites, and i felt like while having that kind of site was fun and rewarding, i wanted to try and be even more creative, thus viverrid was born, named after the family of my therotype, the binturong. this website is intended to be weird, unpredictable, predictable, interesting, boring, cool, cringe.

what to write about me... well i am a lot of things people think are contradictory: i am a lesbian, i am fictoromantic, i am nonbinary (it/zhe/he), i am religious, i am disabled, etc. these aspects of my identity are very important to me and i am firm and proud about them. im also heavily nonhuman lol i just sort of am a space alien, and a binturong, aaaand also a few fictional characters too. my alterhuman page is in progress but i am anna sheridan from babylon 5 and casey brinke from the show doom patrol. i take kin very seriously!

future projects for viverrid:

  • edit fics page to include kin-based character study section
  • more specific kin experiences page
  • favorite fictional ships page
  • scrapbook/image dump page
  • write more essays on internet culture
  • page on my religious beliefs

  • go back?